Jewel Topsfield, ‘Women show old age is for doing,’ The Age, March 19, 2023,10-11, dreaded-tragedy-20230316-p5cstw.html
Mig Dann, ‘A Call to Art’, in Time of Our Lives: Celebrating Older Women, Maggie Kirkman (Melbourne: Monash University Publishing, 2023), 13-24.
Writing in the Expanded Field: Touching, Feeling, Writing, Volume IV, ‘Between Yore’s self and Mine’, digital publication, ACCA, Melbourne, February 2023.
Mig Dann, ‘The Elusive Encounter: an exploration of memory and trauma through expanded spatial practice’, PhD diss. (RMIT University, 2022).
Mead, Josephine (ed.), Mig Dann: The Intimacy of Scrutiny, Bambra Press, Melbourne.
Dann, Mig, ‘Everything of which I was once conscious but have now forgotten: Encounters with Memory’, IDEA Journal 17, no. 2 (2020): 248–64, DOI: 10.37113/ij.v17i02.388.
Dann, Mig, Laura Fulton, Christine Rogers and Anne Harris, ‘Why Can’t Orphans Play Baseball? Writing into the Primal Wound’, Qualitative Inquiry 27, nos 3–4 (2020): 465–72, DOI:10.1177/1077800420934136.